MCM Layouts

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Birthday Banner

Happy Saturday!

Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy am I in the house on such a FABULOUS day?????????????????  Well, you moms know how it is - things to do!  I am crazy busy for the next week and have to get a grip on a few things.  Time to prioritize Tam!  So, I have now put away the 30 Halloween Treat packs I decided to make for all the teachers and support staff at the girls' school and focus on the immediate future.  First and foremost is Alicia's birthday on Tuesday!  I now have all the kids confirmed as coming so I need to work on the loot bags - this year I've decided to "get a grip" and NOT make all the treats inside.  My new mantra "the dollar store is my friend".  I have treats dotted all over the house - some are in the bedroom closet, some in the front closet, some in my craft room, some in bags with birthday presents, some in bag with Christmas presents.  First task:  locate all the treats!  Second task:  decorate the bags in a ladybug theme!  Third task:  FILL the bags!  Fourth task:  HIDE the bags!  Sixth task:  locate all presents purchased for the big day, decide who is giving what, wrap and label.  I need to order the cake for Tuesday (ice cream DQ cake - just have to get them to write on it and draw a ladybug).  Tuesday is the big day - I volunteered to read to both girls' classes (it's Read-In week) - then I take Alicia and her friend to "Froston Pizza" and "Dairy Queens" for lunch and dessert.  After dinner the grandparents (and visiting Uncle) are over for presents and cake.  Thursday afternoon is the party with her friends - we're going bowling.  Need to purchase plates, forks, etc.  Oh - and we have to make our ladybug cake for the party.  Every year the girls help me make and decorate their own cake - it's lots of fun ... and lots of mess ... but they love it so ....

ANYWAAAAAY - less typing and more posting .... got things to do!  Here is the great Birthday Banner I made for Alicia.  I bought the Birthday Banner kit from the IBC and whipped it together in about 10 minutes.  I love it!
Enjoy the weekend!  Hopefully I 'll have more projects tomorrow (oh ya, have to go design my cards for my Technique Class on Friday!) ... it's hard being me!


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