MCM Layouts

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Let the games begin!

Happy Sunday Everyone!  I LOVE Sundays - it gunna be a lazy, crafty, family day today, my favorite kind of day.  The plan WAS to go sledding or skating since it isn't too cold out but The Mamma stayed up a little (ok, a LOT) past her bed time last night and just can't seem to get motivated to get our of her "comfort wear" :)  We had my sister and brother-in-law over for dinner last night and we broke into my new Scribblish game.  OMG what a laugh!  In all the years I've known Craig I have NEVER seen him laugh that much or that hard for so long. It was hysterical!  If you are looking for a good, easy, funny game to get someone for Christmas I HIGHLY suggest this one - we were still giggling about it this morning.  Too much fun!

Speaking of fun ... I've been busy trying to finalize the 19 different projects I have on the go.  I managed to crack one off in about 5 minutes - the updated Calendar Coundown.  I was a day late on this one - it should have been done by Dec 1 but missed it by a day.  It didn't really matter though as we seem to have 5 different countdown objects in the house this year!

Once I finished THAT project I decided to crack open the frame bundle I bought a while back.  I wasn't convinced I liked the flourish decor elements but I'm really happy with how it turned out (I HAVE to improve these pictures!!).  YES, it was rather tedious and time consuming to get all those little polka dots to seperate from the rest of the vinyl but with a little help from my "pokey tool" I managed it and used the salvaged vinyl to mirror the image along the bottom.  This is gunna make a great gift - can't wait to give it away!

Todays festivites will include Christmas cards for customers, friends, teachers and family; wrapping the gift for our bus driver, making the girls' Christmas Wish books (yes, I had planned to have those done for our visit to Santa Nov 20th but it didn't happen!) and continue working on my annual Christmas Ornaments for the girls (I make a special, over-the-top ornament for them every year - this year I picked a doozey!  I'll post it when I'm done ... possibly not until Easter!)  We also might bake, color and I WILL be taking a nap!  I guess I better get on with it ... sounds like a full day!

Enjoy your Sunday - and the fun of the run-up to Christmas!


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