MCM Layouts

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Fold Up Scrap Album

Heidi Ho - me again ...

Quite a few of you asked for more detailed instructions on how to make my 6x6 Fold Up Scrap Album.  I aim to please, so here is a photo tutorial for you - they really are simple to make.

Start with a 12x12 piece of card stock.  Score at 6" and then turn the paper 1/4 turn and score again.  You end up with 4 even quadrants:

Now cut the score line that is pointing to your tummy up to the mid-point:
Put your Simply Scored Diagonal Score Plate in place and score the top left quadrant from the outside corner to the mid-point:
Fold all score lines:

Now take the bottom right hand quadrant and place it over-top the bottom right hand quadrant:
This is how the completed sections will look:
This is just to show you the concept of the pages.  You DO NOT want to tape these quadrants together yet.  It is MUCH easier to design each page BEFORE it is assembled.  Trust me.  I tried it!  This is how the page folds up:

Ta Da!  You simply make 4 of these and tape them together to form your booklet.  You of course leave the front and back un-taped so it can open!

Decorate and you're done!
Hope that helps - have fun with it!



  1. Thank you for a fabulous tutorial ,I will definitely be trying this idea xx Mags

  2. Thank you very much! It is really a great design! Hugs, Doris

  3. Very nice, thank you for your idea. Nice as gifts for friends and your kids too.

  4. Tamara, I wanted to thank you for this tutorial. I found it on Pinterest. I loved this album and have made a scaled down version to use as a birthday card. If you are interested in seeing what I did, here is a link to my post. I have credited you and this post in it, so I hope it translates into some interest in your blog. Many thanks for sharing this idea.

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