MCM Layouts

Saturday, April 19, 2014

FREE SHIPPING … and Easter Fun!

Happy Saturday!!!

Not much time to chat today … I'm off for a fabulously fun day with my Bestie!  We're off to WEM for a pedi, some lunch and some shopping - SQUEAL!!!!  Can't WAIT!!!

I wanted to share a couple of adorable projects the girls and I made this weekend … but first - an exciting promotion starts Monday, April 21st …

Woo Hoo!  I LOVE when shipping is free (too bad tis didn't happen last week, when I placed the club orders!!!)  Although 10% (or $9.95, whichever is more) doesn't seem like a lot it can really add up when placing large orders … and makes placing smaller orders cost-prohibitive ... so to save it is GREAT!

Even better than that, THE RETIRING PRODUCT LIST comes out Monday too!  So we can order all the retiring products (while supplies last) AND save the 10% shipping cost!!!  I will e-mail and post the retiring list Monday but these items FLY off the shelves (in fact the Raspberry Ripple In Colour re-inker is already sold out!!!) so the BEST way to ensure you get what you want is to place an ON-LINE ORDER THROUGH MY WEBSITE!!  It gets delivered right to your door AND there is no shipping, so a $50 order will only be $50 (+gst), not the $50 + $9.95 shipping plus gst!  Head to bright and early to scoop the deals!  Don't forget you can also order from the Clearance Rack so pre-shop there and be ready to hit "send" Monday!

MAKE SURE YOU ENTER THE HOSTESS CODE DTYTGPCE  UPON CHECKOUT!!!  I will be doing a draw for any hostess dollars earned at 6:00 pm April 25th!!!

Have you been on my Tamara's Paper Trail Facebook Page this week?  Head over there and hit "Like" so you can be up-to-date on what's going on … and see what the kids and I are up to!  This is the fastest and first place I go to note promos and specials … stay in the loop and be in the know!

If you HAVE been on my FB page you will have seen these projects.  They were SO fun to make!  Check these out!
 We made sock bunnies!!!  I found them on Pinterest and just HAD to make them!!!  These two are mine
 These ones are Alicia's
 These ones are Rebeccas.

I haven't had this much fun crafting with the girls in AGES!  Each bunny has his own personality and it was fun trying out different sized googlie eyes and pompom noses!!!  They are so easy to make.  I bought 4 pairs of soft, chenille socks at the dollar socks ($1.25 each … makes 8 bunnies!)  For the fat little bunnies we filled the socks with dry rice.  Once we filled enough for the bodies we wrapped the sock with a clear hair elastic .. then more rice for the head .. then another elastic.  I then cut the sock down the middle to make the ears.  I hot glued the ears along the cuts and then put some pipe cleaners inside so we could position the ears in fun ways.  Hot glue gun for the eyes and noses and then some ribbon to finish it off.

While we like the chubby little dudes a) it took a LOT of rice b) they turned out quite heavy and c) it make their heads pretty heavy and floppy … I had to hot glue them to the body so they would stay where we wanted them to … so we moved away from rice and onto cotton baton filling.  I used a roll of flat fillling I found in the craft room … and some cotton balls.  This made making tall, thin bunnies a breeze!  The cotton balls made it easier to make round, non-lumpy heads.  We spent a few hours giggling, "awwwww'ing" and generally having fun!  LOVE them!!

Another project I whipped up Friday morning was a stack of chore sheets for the girls.  In a never ending attempt to get them to help out around the house I figured this might work .. chores sheets that clearly state how much they can earn if they do a chore.  I don't "do" allowance - I just expect them to help out as part of the team …. but they are trying to earn spending money for Disneyland so I put these together.  (I figured we'd be giving them spending money for Disney ANYway … might as well get some child labor out of the deal, right??!!) Here they are:
I used My Digital Studio and put these together in about 10 minutes.  The girls were all OVER it … especially Alicia … which was VERY surprising as she's quite the Diva / Princess who CAN do things herself but generally chooses not to (wonder where she gets THAT from??!!)  She was desperate to earn money as Rebecca has been making a small fortune off the Tooth Fairy this month and Alicia was upset that Rebecca will have a lot more money than she will … so she grabbed all the top-earning chores and seriously busted her but all day!!!  Alicia earned $7.25 and Rebecca earned $3.50.  Here's the proof!

Heck, even if it only "works" for this weekend I'm happy - 10 minutes of fun on MDS got me a clean house and busy kids.  Result!

OK - I'm off to get ready for my Lady Date!  Have a very stampy day!!


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