MCM Layouts

Monday, May 11, 2015

Watercolor Shadows and Highlights Technique

Happy Monday!!!

Yes - FINALLY - I'm posting!!  Sorry - I have SO not been "into" blogging lately!  Kinda obvious, huh?  Don't worry - it doesn't mean I'm quitting stamping or anything, just taking a hiatus from blogging.  I've said it before and I'll say it again - it is VERY time consuming and to be honest, I just haven't wanted to take the time to do it!  I've had more important things on my plate the last few weeks - namely ME!  Yup - I'm on yet another healthy living journey!  You know what takes more time than blogging?  Living healthy! *lol*  It all started a few weeks ago when I bought a Fitbit.  Everyone I know has one and with the warmer weather I was motivated to starting moving more so I bought one hoping it would spur me on.  Well HAS IT EVER!  Don't know what a Fitbit is?  In a nutshell it's a stupidly expensive pedometer *lol*.  It's a wrist band you wear (but I believe you can get clip on ones too) that counts your steps, calories burned, minutes of active movement, flights of stairs, has a stop watch and, depending on which one you get, measures your heart rate.  Well … suffice it say I have been ADDICTED to this darned thing!  It's ALL about getting at least 10,000 steps in every day and burning at least 2,000 calories.  That takes over an hour of walking every morning.  Add to that the research for recipes for "clean eating" buying it, prepping it, cooking it … and of course the making an alternative the REST of the family will eat and I have been busy from the second I wake up until the second I go to bed …. and I'm loving it!  So excuse the lack of original posts … I'm on a mission!  For the next few days I have some technique videos to share and I promise I'm going to do my very best to post some of my EASTER projects (ya, ya … I know!) … of course I DO have 2 classes this week, a coffee date and a trip to the passport office to squeeze in so bear with me!

Today I have a quick 2 minute video on Watercoloring.  Everyone loves this technique but we just don't do it enough.  It takes a little practice but it's FUN!  Might give it a go myself later … you know … in all that spare time I have around midnight *lol*

Hope you are all well - thanks for coming back to see that I'm still alive!

Have a super stampy day My Friends!


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