MCM Layouts

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Today is the day!!

Yup - today is the day - the 2015-2016 Annual Catalogue is now live and ready to roll!

TODAY ONLY you can order from both the RETIRING catalogue, the NEW catalogue, the RETIRING Occasions Catalogue AND the Clearance Rack!  Even better, if your order is $200 or more you can choose from the hostess sets/benefits (of at least $35) from ANY of the catalogues!

Order through my online store at up

Now QUICK - click on the new catalogue picture/link over on the right hand side to see the new stuff!!!!

Don't forget my New Catalogue Launch / Open House / Retired "Stuff" Sale this Friday night at 7:00 pm.  RSVP before tomorrow night or I'm not givin' you any wine!  *lol*

Have a stampy day :)


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