MCM Layouts

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Wanna Save A Few Hundred Dollars???

Well hello there!

Are you like me?  Do you get excited when a blog you follow FINALLY posts something new?  *lol* I know, I know.  I've said it before, I'll say it again - if you wanna be in the loop follow me on my business Facebook page - FB is WAY less time consuming and I post projects over there far more often!  Get into Facebook and search for Tamara's Paper Trail.  Yes, you can always pop back here to see if I've posted … kind of a "Russian Roulette" of blogs *lol*

So - now that I've gotten your hopes up for a new project I'm going to dash them - no project this post (yes, I still have about 20 projects and/or videos in pending …).  No today I wanted to do a quick "Yes, I'm still alive" post and to let you all know about the latest and best Kit offering from Stampin' Up.  Yes it's been available for 2 weeks already - but yes, it also ENDS in less than two weeks.  Figure I should share the deets while I can!!!!

So!  Most of you know the drill.  Buy The Kit - shop for $155 in ANY products you want but only pay $125.  Well … at the moment The Kit is a LOT sweeter than usual as you ALSO get to pick TWO stamp sets of ANY VALUE!!  Check this out!
Can you see that?  For those of us with ageing eyes maybe not … but the red bottom line is visible!!!  If  I ordered these products "the usual" way it would cost $323.40.  If they are ordered through The Kit they would cost $125.  Exact same products.  Kit vs No Kit.

Bit of a no-brainer, isn't it??

I picked some of my favourite items from the new catalogue.  Seriously - these punches and sets are THE BOMB … and you save $198.40.  Of course this is just an example using products I like.  If YOU order The Kit YOU get to pick the items YOU want.  YES - ANY!!!  They can be all punches, all Big Shot dies, all ink pads, all stamp sets .. WHATEVER you want or need!  YOU create what is in The Kit!

With a brand new catalogue full of great new products I urge you to take advantage of this deal.  While "free is my favourite", this is the next best thing!

Pop in again … I'm running out of things to procrastinate with so I just might start blogging again!  Pop in again and find out *lol*.  Unil then …. have a stampy day!


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