MCM Layouts

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Mish Mash of Cards

Happy Rainy Sunday!

Wa-hoo!!!  It's raining … and it's Sunday … and I have nothing on m "must do today" list!!!  You know what that means, don't you???  It will be a day full of baking (chocolate zucchini loaf), crafting (Witches Hat Kit), napping (fingers crossed), roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy for dinner and general nothingness with the family!!  Doesn't get any better than that!!!!

I was scrolling through my "to be posted" posts … and came across a LOT of them … and they are pretty stinkin' old!  Heck, a few are from Easter!  Well … time for a quick tidy-up of my blog so today I'm just throwing them out there without a 19 page ramble to accompany each one.  There are still 5 or 6 more that I DO want to ramble on about and/or that deserve a tutorial so I'll keep those for another day (or month … or year … lol)

In no particular order, here are some of the cards I've made over the last 6 months ...
Two fun little ones using the Sprinkles of Life Set

Obre Technique
A quick one I made for Rebecca back in April when she got her braces on
LOVE this card - it was a CASE - from Patty Bennett?  Sorry - can't remember!
This was another CASE - used this card for Mother's Day this year.  Again, sorry - didn't track who I cased it from
Collage Stamping Technique for a quick and easy "guy" card
Lastly - just LOVED the little gifts Rebecca came up with forEaster this year. This was all her idea!  She used cotton balls to make the rabbit - LOVE it!

There!  THAT felt good … one more thing off my list of things I wanted to do.  Next up … drink coffee.  I'm on it!

Have a stampy Sunday!  Hope it's raining and cold where you are :)


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