MCM Layouts

Monday, September 21, 2015

Sleigh Ride Edgelits and Jingle All The Way

Happy Monday … again …

Wasn't planning to post twice today but to be honest today has been such a waste of make-up I figured "why start trying to be productive now??" with only half an hour before I have to start dinner!

Becca stayed home with a nasty cold today.  That's didn't keep me home, though.   I still hauled my flabby butt to the gym to do some kick boxing.  Good Lord.  Not gunna lie.  Kinda hate kickboxing.  Guess I'll be changing my Monday classes to the Tuesday class.  I really have no business punching a bag or kicking anything.  Seriously.

By the time I get home, then walk the dog for an hour, shower and grab a quick bite to eat it is 1:00 pm!!!  1:00 PM!!!!!  Man!  Really cuts into the day when my day generally "ends" at 2:45 when I have to go get Alicia from school.  After that it's a blur of backpacks, forms to sign, homework to help with and dinner to prep.

On the bright side I AM actually getting more done, despite having fewer hours at my disposal. You know what they say … want something done give it to someone who is busy.  Still lots on the go for the rest of the day (once I finish this post!)  Dinner … music lessons, errands … should PROBABLY finish off Alicia's birthday invitations so someone actually comes to her party in 2 weeks …. and on and on and on …

First, though …. I will share with you another FABULOUS card I made for yesterday's class.  Ready? …..
 LOVE it!  (ya, ya … I know … I always say that lol).  Once again I can't take all the credit.  I was under time pressure to make my cards for class yesterday so I headed to my laptop and my favourite designer, Mary Fish.  Every single morning I get up, grab my coffee, open my laptop and, after I check my emails I head to her blog.  Every.  Day.  Check it out.  You won't be sorry.  Here is her card that inspired me ...
These cards were made in mere minutes using the new Sleigh Ride Edgelits.  There are 3 in the set - the third one are Trees.  They are also bundled at 15% off with a "Jingle All the Way" stamp set.  It's only $36.50.  Awesome deal!

To make this card you comply run the edgeless through the Big Shot to get the whisper white front piece.  I wrapped some Basic Black Baker's Twine around it, tied it in a know and attached it to a basic black mat.  I stamped the sentiment (in the delicious new Archival Black Ink), added a string of 5 rhinestones and wa-low!  Done!  Love love love!!!

This is MUST HAVE bundle peeps - you won't regret it!

OK - off to start dinner now.  Have a stampy evening!


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