MCM Layouts

Saturday, October 31, 2015

You've Got This

Happy Saturday!

OK!  Halloween!  Ready for it?  We are!  Well … when I say "we" I mean Craig and the kids are.  To be honest Halloween is not my "thing".  I could quite happily have it removed from the calendar and move right on in to Christmas.  I dunno - maybe it's because I never had a particularly cool costume as a kid.  I don't remember many of them but I DO remember being stressed out about FINDING a costume.  Of course back in the day we didn't just go out an buy a costume - you made one from what you had already.  I struggled with that and more than once ended up wearing my Dad's robe with a pillow tied to my stomach, curlers in my hair and carrying a coffee cup.  Yup - I went as a housewife! *lol*  Hmmm …. let's HOPE that's not how I look everyday now that I AM a housewife!

Today's going to be a long day.  The kids (and Craig) are excited about the fun of tonight (whilst Halloween is not MY favourite gig of the year it IS Craig's! … he traditionally takes one or two days off work to set up the garage as a haunted house to traumatize the children!) - and after Trick-or-Treating there will be a Halloween party and sleepover with 4 guests.  Of course it's daylight savings time tonight so there will seem like and extra hour to recover from the "fun" … but of course that also means and extra long day for the kids to ingest coma-inducing amounts of sugar!  Oi!  I may need to stock up on Aspirin!

OK - enough about that - let's check out a project, shall we?

I can't take credit for this one - total CASE from … who else … the fabulous Mary Fis over at ...
Love it!  This is one of the cards I used for a private class last month.  The ladies wanted many birthday cards and I was running out of time so I turned to Mary (as I often do).  Why reinvent the wheel, right? A great card is a great card and this one totally fits the bill!

Te set uses the set You've Got This from the main catalogue.  You just HAVE to love making a card that only uses one stamp set!  The colours used are Bermuda Bay, Crumb Cake and Whisper White.  It is a ridiculously quick and easy card!  For a little dimension and interest I added some gold sequins (from the gold sequin trim), popped a banner up on dimenionals and wrapped some gold Baker's Twine behind it.  Seriously quick and easy.

That's it for today.  Have fun with your Halloween, whatever you get up to … and have a stampy day!


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