MCM Layouts

Monday, April 18, 2016

Organizing the Craft Cave

Happy Monday!

As promised today I'm sharing a few pics of my fairly tidy Craft Cave.  Yes, twice a year it IS organized.  Here is how it looks those 2 times a year …
This little bit of a hot mess is a little recessed portion of one wall in my cave.  When Craig built my room he made half the wall a closet and the other half is this recessed ares with shelves.  (He built the room with re-sale in mind … it is to code to be another bedroom if anyone every wanted to use it as such).  Doesn't LOOK like I did much work on this area but it probably took me the longest.  The top two shelves were all books and paperwork of some sort.  I pitched a LOT of it.  You can see how the shelved dip a bit … that's from having 10 years of weight on them lol.  I went through all my little gift / 3-D items and displayed them SLIGHTLY better than they were … at least now they aren't stacked 4 high and falling every time you walk by them!
 These bins are under the shelves in the first picture.  They are mostly retired items … but the Big Shot Dies are both retired and current.  Those things are HARD to store in a decent way.  This bucket storage unit (from Canadian Tire or Toys R Us) are the BEST!  Whilst this one holds my retired toys I have another one that holds all my current punches and my current (and retired) ribbons.  It really is a great way to store items.  Highly recommend them if you have the space!
 These are some of my retired stamp sets.  I don't love this system of storage.  It's an IKEA shelf … and yes, it holds a lot of stamp sets … but the problem is the unit is very DEEP which means I store the stamps two deep … makes it a royal pain to see what I've got when I'm searching for something I know I have.  The sets are SORT of organized … the top two shelves are all holidays - mostly Christmas but also Halloween, Easter, Valentines.  The next two shelves are mostly stamps that can be used for my Stamp-a-Stacks - All occasions, sentiments and so on.  The rest is just a mix of whatever else I can't part with lol

These are two more Ikea units stacked one on top of the other.  The depth works well with these items - mostly my Project Life cards and then whatever else that is bulky.

I have one LARGE Ikea unit to the right of these units … it holds my 10 years of SU catalogues, binders with samples of my cards and so on.

This is a pic from last summer - showing where "it all happens" - before and after cleanup lol

So that's what I've been up to lately.  The Craft Cave hasn't been my only target - I've sorted the new Games Cupboard, the linen closet and we got two new units for the girls' bathroom … and so it goes.  I frequently say my job is "mover of stuff" - I spend most of my days moving things from one room to another, one cupboard to another, in or out of the house.  That's what I do.  Good thing I'm pretty good at it *lol*

That's it for today - more pictures to get into albums … I have a deadline of May 3rd to get 'er done.  It WILL happen!

Have yourself a stampy Monday!


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