MCM Layouts

Friday, September 1, 2017


Happy Friday!

Woo Hoo!  It's here!  It's here!  The 2017 Holiday Catalogue is HERE!!

Click on the picture of the catalogue over on the right hand side to see all the FAB new toys!  If you want to see them up close and personal, and live in the Edmonton area, come to my Open House next Friday, Sept 8th at 6:30 pm.  I will have lots of catalogues available, new product to show off and samples to check out.  Of course there will also be snacks, prizes and laughs!  Just make sure you RSVP so I can plan accordingly!

If you would like to place an online order please pop over to my online store here and your items will be delivered right to your door!  If you order is under $200 and you enter the hostess code DEDVTRKH at the checkout I will mail you a gift!  ** please note ** in order for me TO send you the gift you have to all ow me to contact you!  I have the occasional order come through but there is a "No Contact" restriction on your account, which means I can't see who placed the order to thank them!  If/when you place an online order you need to go to your account settings and make sure you don't have "Do Not Contact" selected!

If you see that there are a *few* items you would like to purchase I would be thrilled if you would consider joining my purchasing club.  I've posted about it previously but, in a nutshell, it's a $25 per month minimum order (Sept - June).  You get lots of perks for being in the club, the main one being free stuff!  You don't have to live in Edmonton to join .... but you do have to live in Canada.  Let me know if you are interested - I have room for 4 more spots for the club that starts Sept 15th!

Pop in again soon to check out more of my projects.  I'm sorry I haven't been posting every day, as planned ... but (I'm thrilled to say) it's because my fundraiser for Jennifer had such an amazing response that I have been working on organizing that full time!!  Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who is helping me Support a Sister.  I am truly overwhelmed by the response and outpouring of love from my friends, family AND complete strangers!

I'll get back to posting soon (it will help with the kids going back to school Tuesday!!!)

Have a stampy day!


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