MCM Layouts

Saturday, October 7, 2017

Stampin' Up! Blends ... and Living the Dream!

Happy Saturday!

Tamara!  It's the Thanksgiving long weekend here in Canada.  What are you going to DO??



Yup.  One more sleep and my Baby Girl and I are off to the happiest place on earth for 3 full days of Mommy/Daughter quality bonding time.  Ska-WHEEEEELLLLL!

If you've been following me for a while you will know that a) I love making memories with my family b) I love Disneyland and c) I love making memories with my family in Disneyland!  Hee hee

Yes.  Disney has a very special place in my heart ... and in the heart of my girls (Craig would rather have his bikini line waxed than ever step foot on Disney soil again but us GIRLS ... well ... we kinda LOVE it there!)

So ... backstory ...

YEARS ago, loooooong before I was ever a mom, there was no doubt in my mind that I would be going to Disneyland with my kids, when I had them.  Heck before I had kids I had already been to Disney 5 times - twice as a kid and 3 times as an adult!  In 2010 I WAS a mom and, thanks to the money I had saved from my Stampin' Up! *hobby* (which it WAS at that time!) my dream came true.  It was everything I dreamed it would be.

Fast forward a few years.  There were a number of deaths in my friends' lives that profoundly affected me.  My husband's cousin, Todd passed away.  My friends Corina and Carol lost their friend Carmela and my friend Lisa lost HER dear friend Shirley.  All three of these very special people had children who were the same age as mine.   It was through the processed of watching these families go through hell that I recognized just how precious and short life is.  Just how important it is to "live now" to "be in the moment" to "make memories" and to "do what makes you happy".

The thought occurred to me that "one day" I would like to have a one-on-one vacation with each of my children.  I tucked that dream on the shelf ... saving my money ...  planning my "One Day" trip with my girls.

Last year I TOOK that trip with Rebecca, when she turned 13.  It was truly beyond words.  It was EVERYTHING I wanted and hoped it would be.  Rebecca and I now share those memories and hold them in our hearts forever.

The "plan" was for Alicia to go when SHE turned 13.  That plan was brought forward a year ... we leave tomorrow.  ONE reason I moved the date forward a year was because I wanted the surprise of the trip to BE a surprise!  She knew she was going to get to go next year ... but it's not as much fun KNOWING your 13th birthday present ahead of time, now is it??  No!  I moved the date forward.  Two other reasons to move it?  1) Life is short and we need to grab the moments when we can and 2) Life is short and we need to grab the moments when we can!

Yes, I know I just said the same thing twice.  That was on purpose.  Why wait???  Heck, I could be taken out by the #6 bus heading Westbound tomorrow.  Trump could close the borders to Canadians next week.  The dollar could crash and I may not be able to afford to GO next year.  You just never know what is around the corner.  We all KNOW life can change on a dime so why wait?  Go.  Make the memories.  Live the dream.

We leave tomorrow.  My heart is so very full :)

Revealing her surprise was pretty amazing ... and again, a memory I will keep forEVER.  It was so special to watch as she realized her present.  The look on her face.  The eye contact.  The tears.  The gratitude.  One of those rare moments in life when time stands still.  It was HER birthday but the present was all mine!  Priceless!

So stay tuned for pictures of our grand adventure.  They will come ... next week.  I would post pics of her birthday but I actually don't HAVE any!  Nope. I was "present" and "in the moment".  My camera was across the room.  It WILL, however, being seeing a lot of action over the next 4 days and I will share them with you :)

Right!  Enough soppiness for one morning!  I'm trying to tie up a few loose ends before I go and one is something that is VERY time sensitive!!  Yes, you only have until the 15th of October to get in on purchasing the Stampin' Up! BLENDS!!!

The "Blends" replace the old "Blendabilities Markers"!!

These alcohol blending pens make color shading a BREEZE and at only $12 for 2 pens they are VERY affordable. Only "problem" is they aren't available to the general public yet! How do you get around that "problem"? 

Buy the "Discount Purchaser Kit" (as I like to call it). You can order the pens for a FLAT charge of $135. 

Of course you COULD wait to buy the pens ... but then they will cost you $187.11. Hmmmm - what to do, what to do ...

Click *** here ***, then click on "Join The Fun", then scroll down to "Join Now" and get your Blends for less!

I would LOVE to have you in my group of Tamara's Trail Blazers!  Make sure you get your pens before October 15, though.  They won't be available for purchase by the general public for months!

OK - I best walk Doodles and start to think about packing (*insert squeal here*).

I hope your Thanksgiving weekend is filled with memories, yummy food and lots of laughs!



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