MCM Layouts

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Tamara's Tips - Using Embossing Paste!

Happy Sunday!

How was your weekend??  Mine was great! ... and FAST!

I hosted another EPIC Ladie's Night Friday night with seven FABULOUS friends!  Stamping, food, wine, pictionary and LOTS of laughs!  Always SUCH a great time!

Yesterday was a lazy day (recovering from Friday night *lol*) and then it was to my Mom's for dinner and more pictionary fun.

Today was LOTS of sunshine and family time.  A good, smiling weekend!

I'm just heading up to bed (yes, at 8:42 pm!) but thought I'd post one of my "Tamara's Tips" videos for you.

Did you know I post these fairly regularly on my business Facebook page "Tamara's Paper Trail"?  True story!  Hop over there now and "like" my page.  I seriously have been falling down on the blogging front lately ... and the email front!  Facebook is my go-to and where I post ALL the time!  Stay in the loop and follow me there - I promise, I'm a hoot! *lol*

Did you know I have a YouTube Channel?  True story again!  Head over to You Tube and search for "Tamara's Paper Trail" and subscribe to my channel (I think I have a whole 14 subscribers *lol*.  How sad is THAT???) . I'm trying to post more videos there, now that I have faster internet.  Up until yesterday uploading a 5 minute video would take me a few HOURS ... now it only takes about 10 minutes so I will be more inclined to upload my videos there.

ANYway! ... Let's see one of the videos now, shall we?  This is an older one ... it's using the not-so-new-now Embossing Paste.  Enjoy and have a stampy week!


1 comment:

  1. Tam, you have 15 YouTube subscribers now!!!

    XX Mal, Melbourne, Australia
