MCM Layouts

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Getting Close to the Finish Line!

Happy Sunday!

Wow!  I just popped in to my own blog and spotted I haven't posted since my Blog Hop Nov 28th.  Whaaaattttt??  While part of me is shocked it's been that long part of me is not at all!  The last few months have been an absolute BLUR and I'm still wondering where OCTOBER went, let along November and half of December!  9 days until Christmas??  Huh???  I have to say, until yesterday afternoon I have not had one ounce of Christmas spirit.  I've been listening to Christmas music on the radio and making Christmas projects but my heart just hasn't been "singing" the way it should (and usually does) all of December!  I'm happy to say that all changed yesterday afternoon ... as I mailed off my last "big project", which was 42 cards I made for a card swap.  Yes - that was the last "time sensitive" task on my to-do list, other than The Big Day itself.  Once that box was handed over to the postal lady I felt a HUGE weight lift and NOW I can relax.  NOW I can start figuring what I have ready for Christmas and what still needs to be done.  NOW I can do what I WANT to do, rather than what I HAVE to do.  NOW I can do crafts with the kids (check - worked on our model with Rebecca yesterday).  NOW I can watch movies with the family (check - watched Avengers End Game last night).  NOW I can be silly, wrap, sing, NAP, bake and be at the beck and call of the kids as they need rides here, there and everywhere and just BREATHE.  Oh how I love the next 10-11 days.  They are truly the ONLY days I relax all year long.  Oh sure, I'll do some work here and there, but nothing is a MUST ... and that is golden.

So rest assured I HAVE been crafting ... and made some FAB cards using the new Occasions and Sale-a-brations products I bought, but I can't share those until the end of December.  PLEASE pop over to my Facebook page "Tamara's Paper Trail" and follow me there.  I have been posting FABULOUS cards I have received from friends.  FB is my first stop for all things stamping.  Follow me there and you'll be in the loop!  Here are the cards I have posted there recently.  I have LOTS more to share so I hope to see you there.  In the meantime ... have a stampy day!

(Oh!  .. I see I have a few Blog hops coming up too!  Check back this Thursday for my next one!)
