MCM Layouts

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Layers of Beauty Inky Fun! Tues, Aug 6, 2024

Welcome to my latest offering of "Let me show you how".  Since Monday was a write off (with internet problems) AND it was a holiday here in Canada, I skipped my weekly "Mystery Card Monday" and swapped it for a "Let me show you how" ... also referred to as "Check It Out Tuesday" (CIOT).  

Upon request, I played with the Layers of Beauty Bundle.  It is a stamp set, dies and masks.  Full disclosure.  I only just got this bundle recently, with some free spending I had earned.  I still have my "Enduring Beauty" Bundle (it's still current) and it's similar hence my delay in getting it.  As usual, once I started playing with it I thought "Why did I wait so long to get it ... and then wait so long to USE it?!"  It's SOOO easy! ... and makes such beautiful cards!  The colour combination possibilities are endless! .., ands the card on the right was made with just three ink colours.  You don't need to have every toy in the toy box - just a few colours and the will to try.  These are the same layout but just look how different they "feel" just from using different colours.  LOVE it.  I WILL be making more!

This one used Soft Sea Foam and Black papers, Smoky Slate, Basic Gray, Basic Black, Soft Sea Foam and Garden Green inks.  The sentiment is from Comforting Thoughts.

THIS one used Lost Lagoon, Misty Moonlight and Basic Beige papers, and just Lost Lagoon and Misty Moonlight inks!  Oh ... I did use Night of Navy for the flower image outline.  EASY!

Check out the replay of my live for all the details .. and a few tips along the way.

That's it for this week.  If you would like to join me LIVE for my MCM (Mystery Card Monday) sessions, you can catch me on my FaceBook Page here at 7:00 pm Mountain Time every Monday ... or on my YouTube Channel here at the same time (I stream live to both).  Like and Follow my FB Page and/or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.  I'd love to have you - the live community is AMAZING and so much fun!

If you live in Canada and would like to purchase any of the items I used for my cards, just click any of the pictures below and you will be taken to my online store.  Thank you!  I appreciate your support!

Stay amazing!  


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