MCM Layouts

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

2015 Holiday Catalogue is LIVE!!!


Happy Tuesday!!

Yes, I'm back from Hawaii.  Yes, we had a fabulous time … but let's get to what we REALLY want to know about … FALL CLASSES and STUFF!!!  lol

Yes - today the 2015 Holiday Catalogue goes into effect.  Click on the picture on the right hand side bar to check it out!!!!  If you are in the Edmonton area feel free to drop by my Open House this Friday to pick up a physical copy, if you don't already have one!

I'm going 150 mph today with back-to-school registration and such so no share today … just posting the email I sent out to my customers last night.  Projects to post one of these days - I promise!!

Talk about hitting the ground running!  It's been all-systems-GO today - welcome back to the reality of fall!
I hope you all had a fabulous, relaxing summer!  I'm happy to say that I did a whole lot of nothing ... not even crafting ... and the proof is that I am now scrambling to get everything organized for the fall - Ack!  I'll try to keep it short and sweet just to give you a heads up on a few dates and classes ... especially ones that are coming up in ... oh 4 DAYS *lol*.  Yep - it's fall and Tam is back to her smae old self lol!
    • THIS Friday (insert *ack* here!) September 4th
    • 6:30 - 9:00 pm
      • This holiday catalogue is AMAZING!!!!  As usual, I've already purchased about 85% of the items in it and just decided you HAVE to see these items "in person".  Since I'm throwing it together last minute and (as usual) Craig has decided to start a major home renovation the same night I'm not sure what the event will look like but it will definately have all my new toys on display .. and water - I'll definately have water :)
    • Please RSVP by Thursday if you think you will be coming - you know - so I make sure I have enough water on hand :)
    • 10 Month Stamp Club
    • 6 Month Project Life Album Club (Scrapbooking that isn't Scrapbooking)
      • I'll send specifics in a seperate email ... but as always ... fall means a new round of clubs!
      • 10 Month Stamp Club - I'm looking for 10 ladies who commit to spending a minimum of $25 per month (plus s/h/gst) for 10 months.  Club members get LOTS of perks, discounts and free products.  The club starts Sept 15th (insert *ack* here!).  Note - this is a "purchasing" club - you don't have to attend classes (but you can .. and at a discount) - all you have to do is order every month.
      • 6 Month Project Life Album Club - I'm looking for 6 ladies who commit to spending a minimum of $34 per month (plus s/h/gst) for 6 months.  Again, Club members get perks and a FREE "Class" every month.  Again, attendance at our get-togethers is optional - but it IS great to get out of the house and actually USE the stuff you purchase *lol*.  The club starts Sept 15th (one more *ack*!)
      • ***  Please let me know ASAP if you are interested in joining either (or both) of the clubs this round.  The 10 month club is already half full!
  • FALL CLASSES - Save the dates!
    • "Technique" Classes - come and make 3 cards with envelopes.  $15 for non-club members; $10 for current club members.  **new this year - please bring your Stampin' Up! adhesive - if you need some I have them ($9.82 full; $6.35 refill)
    • MOST months the classes are:
      • 2nd Friday of every month - 7:00 - 10:00 pm
        • Coffee and Cards - 9:30 - 11:30 am
      • the Tuesday of the same week as the 2nd Friday of every month (what??? Did you catch that??)
          Technique Class - 6:30 - 9:30 pm
  • September Technique:
    • This is one of those months when the Tuesday class is one week later than usual due to the first day of school for my kids.  My head might explode if I had a class the night of their first day so I've pushed it back a week - Soooooo ...
    • Friday, September 11th
      • 9:30 - 11:30 am and
      • 7:00 - 10:00 pm
    • Tuesday,September 15th
      • 6:30 - 9:30 pm
  • Tin of All Occasions Cards Class
    • Friday, September 25th 6:30 pm
    • ***  I MUST have an RSVP no later than Thursday, September 10th.  This item has been VERY popular and is currently on backorder.  More kits are expected to arrive September 11th at which point I will order.  If, for some reason, we cannot get the kits in time for the class we will reschedule***
      • Cost:  $45 - bring your own adhesive - everything else included (works out to $2.80 per card) ... but you get more than just cards ...
      • Makes 16 cards (4 each of 4 designs) and envelopes, occasions dividers and a FAB little tin to keep them all in!

      • Saturday, October 17th 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
      • Remember a while back I had you "Save the Date" of October 17th for an Extravaganza that "The" Tamye Dunbar and I were putting together?  Slight change of plans.  Tamye is still hosting this Epic Extravaganza - alas, I can't.  TOOOOOO much going on for me to help plan, prep and throw such a huge event.  For once I'm taking a step back so I don't ite off more than I can chew.  I encourage you all to attend Tamyes function though - I promise it is always a GREAT day out!! 
      • Having said that I AM still holding an event on the same date ... but not as grand as Tamye's.  What I have roughly thought of is running a day full of events ... and you can pick and choose if you want to come to 1, 2 or all 3 ... and pay accordingly.  As I said, I don't have the time or brain cells to come up with epic projects ... but I don't have to ... Stampin' Up! has done that for me!  This isn't set in stone yet ... and I still have to figure out costing but here's what I'm thinking ...
        • Morning Session -  Witching Decor Project Kit (LOVE!!!) -
      • Mid-Day Session - "Little Gifts".  This one is one I am putting together, not Stampin' Up! - little hostess gifts that you can use ANY time but specifically I have an idea of a GREAT little gift to go with the bottle of wine you bring to dinner.  Number of gifts and cost to be determined.  Stay tuned!
      • Afternoon Session - To You and Yours Shaker Cards Project Kit -
        • 18 Christmas "Shaker" Cards and Envelopes - you supply adhesive - I supply everything else

    • So continue to save the date ... either for Tamye's event or mine ... in the next two weeks I'll be firming up all the details and get them out to you
    • Alicia and I are running a stamp club at her elementary school this year.  We will be getting a group of children together to make cards to
      • make and sell at their "Market" to raise funds to build a school in India
      • make and sell cards to staff and students (funds for the school in India)
      • make and give cards to staff, students and seniors at Shephard's Care Senior Facility
    • I will be supplying all of the supplies and am looking for all I can get my hands on!  If you (or anyone you know) are being buried alive in papercrafting supplies and would like to find a new home for them let me know!  I would be grateful for any donations.  They don't have to me Stampin' Up! products - anything the kids can use for cards - especially paper and/or envelopes as those will be our biggest costs. 
    • Drop me a line and I will arrange to pick items up - alternatively, if you are planning to come to my Open House or any classes in the near future you can bring them along.  Thanks in advance for your help!  Alicia and I are REALLY excited to get this going!
Right.  11:10 pm and I am officially EXHAUSTED and heading to bed.  Hope it all makes sense, hope all my dates, prices and projects are correct and hope you made it through another of my epic emails.
Please RSVP sooner rather than later ... I haven't left much time for lolly-gagging lol.
Have a stampy night - hope to see you all soon!

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