MCM Layouts

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dove of Peace and the Fine-Tip Glue Pen by Stampin’ Up!

Happy Thursday!

Well … I figured it was high time I posted an actual CARD … designed by ME!  It has seriously been so long since I crafted I was more than a little overwhelmed when I went down to the Craft Cave.  If you recall, right before we left for vacation, I had a commission to make 100 wedding invitations.  I got 'er done with a day to spare but of course once I DID get it done I just shoved everything into The Cave, shut the door, packed my suitcase and left.  Kinda forgot that until I open the door again this week.  Ugh.  Not only did I have a HUGE mess to clean up but I also received three boxes of new toys while I was away that needed unpacking, oogling, and putting-togethering (ok, so it's not a word … I made that one up …)

It tool forEVER … I JUST WANNA MAKE A CARD!  Well … I sat and rummaged through all my lovely new sets.  I have a few favourites that I'm DYING to use … but I just didn't have an ounce of creativity in me.  I just wanted quick and easy - I didn't want to sit there trying to come up with a new and exciting way to stick a piece of paper to another piece of paper … didn't want to think about sizes … or cutting … I just wanted to relax and craft.  I decided on one of the new sets in the Holiday Catalogue - Dove of Peace.

Now I've gotta admit.  This stamp caught my eye in the catty right away …. but I talked myself out of it about 8 times.  Oh sure, I liked it for ME but wasn't convinced it would be good for a class as it would be time consuming to colour.  I kept adding it, then deleting it, from my order.  In the end I had a bit of free spending left on my order so I threw it in as a "treat" for myself.  Figured if I didn't use it I could always sell it after it retired.  Well … I grabbed it, inked it and am SO glad I got it.  Seriously.  I think this will be one of the cards I mass produce for Christmas this year.  Yes, the colouring took some time … but nothing else did … so it really was no more time consuming than an other card I make … and I love colouring …. so … without further adieu … I give you … Dove of Peace …

Ta-Da!  I.  Freaking.  Love it.  The only thing I'd like to try before mass producing it is to make it with black embossing powder, for some texture.  Other than that the whole thing just makes me happy!

I stamped the image (it comes on one stamp) using the delicious new BASIC BLACK archival ink.  Yes, we now have a great black ink back - wa-hoo!  I don't know the difference between this one and the Memento Ink (I'll research it one of these days) but suffice it to say I love it.  It's a TRUE black, it doesn't smudge and it doesn't bleed when coloured.  It is on one of the old felt-style ink pads and it's fabulous!  It also comes in Basic Gray.  Wa-hoo again!!!

So - stamped in black - I then coloured it with our markers.  I used Crushed Curry, Mint Macaron and Blackberry Bliss.  Love!

THEN I just HAD to try out the new Fine Tip Glue Pen.  Oh.  Em.  Gee.  Love it love it love it!  It's just the BEST!  It lets you get into the smallest places!!!  I used it to cover all the coloured parts of the dove and then added Dazzling Diamonds.  It really is stunning in the light.  Here is a video on the pen ..

I thought I was done … went to bed.  Came down in the morning and decided it needed just a little something more … spotted my new Curvy Corner Trio punch …

(ok - i only just realized it's a TRIO punch, not a DUO like I thought!!)  This punch is awesome - it's THREE punches in ONE!  GREAT value for money!!  I punched the two corners, added two of the largest rhinestones and Wa-lo!  The perfect accent!

Blackberry Bliss is the matt behind the top layer.  Super love.  Let's look at the final thing again, shall we??
Yep - that's my Christmas card!

Right - guess I should think about getting this day started. I have my Open House tomorrow night (hope you can come!) and should probably get my act together for that.

Have yourself a stampy day!


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