Thursday, August 29, 2019

Stampin' Creative Blog Hop - Sneak Peek New Catty!

Welcome to the Stampin' Creative Blog Hop!  I'm Tamara Bertram, coming to you from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.  This is my first ever Blog Hop and I'm THRILLED to be hopping with so many AMAZING demonstrators from all over the globe!  Please leave comments as you go!  It's always nice to see what you think of our work!  I hope you enjoy what we have on offer this month.
Toile Christmas Sneak Peek
Since the 2019 Holiday Catalogue doesn't go live for another WEEK (Ack!  ... the wait is KILLING me!!!), I thought I would share a GORGEOUS sample that I cased straight FROM the catalogue. 
It used a new bundle of products called Toile Christmas.  The star of the show is the GORGEOUS Cardinal.  Check it out!
Isn't it lovely??

Quick 101:

  • Whisper White standard size card base
  • Sahara Sand layer measuring 5 1/4" x 4"
  • Stitched Rectangle Whisper White layer (uses the 4th largest die measuring 3 3/4" x 2 1/4")
  • The cardinal was stamped on Real Red card stock in Black Memento ink and cut out with the coordinating die
    • coloured highlights added with Daffodil Delight and Whisper White watercolour pencils
  • The branch was stamped on Crumb Cake card stock with Black Memento ink and cut out with the coordinating die
    • colour was added using Early Espresso, Old Olive and Real Red watercolour pencils
  • The green leaves were cut out of Granny Apple Green card stock with the coordinating dies.
  • The banner was stamped in Smoky Slate ink, using a marker to make the sentiment Real Red.
  • Dimensionals and Fine Tip Glue were used to adhere the pieces
  • Five self adhesive sequins were used to finish it off

That's it!  This card is GORGEOUS in person and really quite easy to make!  Check out the rest of the projects in our blog hop by clicking on the links below.

(Linkup closed)

Thank you for popping in - have yourself a stampy day!


Sunday, August 18, 2019

Feels Like Frost Obsession

Happy Sunday!

I can't believe how fast the days are flying by this month!  This slower pace must be agreeing with me!  Having said that, I DO crave a bit more routine and that will only come Sept 4th, when the girls are back to school.  Oh don't get me wrong, I don't relish HAVING to get up or HAVING to to make sure there are packable-lunch-foods in the the house every day but I really do get more done when it's just me and the critters!

So last week I made the most STUNNING card using the new Feels Like Frost designer paper that is available for purchase Sept 4th (unless you buy the Starter Kit NOW!  THEN you can scoop yourself two packs of it ... which you should totally do because I believe this one will sell out before the snow flies! ... but I digress *lol*)
I just LOVE THIS CARD!  The paper does 90% of the work ... the glitter the other 10%!  (See my last post for more details).

I went down to the cave Thursday to actually CLEAN UP (for once) ... but what ended happening instead was this ....

Hee hee - as usual, distracted my shiny things!  I just couldn't stop ... so I didn't ... and not only did I actually USE DSP (I usually wait until it retires before I ever CUT it! lol) but I ended up with a fabulous set of cards that I am now offering in a "Product Included" class so my stampers can have a pack of this paper for their very own!  If you are in the Edmonton, Alberta area check out my business Facebook Page "Tamara's Paper Trail" for more details on that in the next few days!

If you like quick, beautiful cards you want to get your hands on the Feels Like Frost DSP ($20 CDN), some Stampin' Ice Glitter ($8.75) and a Fine Tip Glue Pen ($9.50).  This paper matches beautifully with SO many of our card stock colours - the options are many!  The products are available Sept 4th, as I mentioned.  If you are in Canada and are interested in becoming a demonstrator so you can order them NOW please drop me a line.  I'd LOVE to have you in my group!

That's it for today.  Thanks for popping in and have a stampy Sunday!


Thursday, August 15, 2019

Feels Like Frost Simplicity!

Happy Thursday!

Wait!  THURSDAY?  Not Sunday?  What the heck? lol

Ya, Sunday got away from me last week.  TBH I was very busy taking it easy.  I overdid it a bit on Saturday.  I'm not sure how .. maybe sneezing (I sneeze with GREAT force!) ... or, more likely, just by moving around too much.  I wasn't doing any one thing for LONG ... and that was the problem.  Just getting up from the chair or couch was a bit much for my incisions, so I really did just relax a little more (HUGE for me, as anyone who knows me knows!)

So why am I posting on a Thursday?  If you checked out my "Check it Out Tuesday" live Facebook video you saw my creative process and helped me come up with my end-result card.  Well!  That card was SOOOOO well liked (as in over 300 "likes") that I just HAD to do a post about it.  I haven't yet done a video that can be posted to YouTube, but you can check out my FB Live video here

Make sure you "like", "follow", and "get notifications" on my business page "Tamara's Paper Trail" to stay in the loop of all things Stampin' Up! ... and to catch my videos each Tuesday night at 7:00 pm Mountain Standard Time.

So, without further adieu, I give you Feels Like Frost Fabulousness *lol*
Isn't it pretty???  Now I seriously feel guilty about all the rave reviews I've had on this card.  I can take VERY little credit.  The PAPER is the star of the show and just makes me look like a creative genius!  All I did was cut it, place it on a Night of Navy layer, stamp a sentiment in Night of Navy and apply some Ice Stampin' Glitter to it with a Fine Tip Glue pen!  That's it!  That's all!  Nothing more!

So what is this magical paper I speak of??  Ahhhh, that's the kicker.  It's called Feels Like Frost Designer Paper.  It is a STUNNING pack of 6" x 6" paper, showcased on pages 40-42 of the UPCOMING 2019 Holiday Catalogue ... and is $20 for 48 sheets.  Do I expect this paper to run out of stock before the end of January.  I absolutely do!  The images in this paper make are DIVINE and make a beautiful card SOOO quick and easy!  You seriously just need to stamp a sentiment on it and you're done!  You CAN jazz it up more but the paper stands alone.  You don't WANT to cover it up and it doesn't NEED anything more!  As I mentioned, I DID add some new Ice Stampin' Glitter to the card - $10.25 for a 20 g pot (also on page 41 of the new catalogue) for some extra interest, texture, dimension and glitz.  This glitter is chunkier than the Dazzling Diamonds, but not as chunky as some of our past glitters, that really felt rather sharp.  This stuff is soft and OH so pretty!

Customers can't order the paper OR the glitter until the catalogue goes live, September 4th ... but demonstrators can!  That's one of the great many perks of BEING a demonstrator - you get to order products a month before customers!  Hello no backorders! (well ... backorders do still happen occasionally, even on a pre-order but chances are a lot lower than once the catalogue goes live!).

Would you like to get this paper and glitter early AND at a major discount?  Then you want to order them NOW, in a "Starter Kit".  Yes, you will technically me called a demonstrator.  No, that doesn't mean you have to demonstrate ... or "do the business" in any way.  You CAN order more products, at a discount, but you absolutely do NOT have to.  You don't have to place orders for yourself or anyone else;  You don't have to ever log into the website.  You CAN just buy the kit for the MAJOR discount and free product and run away!  If you're in Canada, here's the deal ...

Pick out ANY product adding up to $205.
Pay $135.
No shipping.
No taxes (in most provinces)
No obligations.
No strings.

You get the $205 in product you pick out PLUS they throw in a $30 Paper Pumpkin kit PLUS a $14 coupon to use in Sept of Oct IF YOU WANT TO PLUS business supplies, should you want to hand out catalogues to your friends and earn some extra cash for the upcoming holiday season.

If you have any questions about this deal PLEASE do not hesitate to get in touch with me.  I am more than happy to explain all the fine print to you so you are comfortable believing there are NO strings.  I won't pressure you to get the kit, I'll just explain how everything works.  If you decide against it no hard feelings!  I'm truly just trying to save you a bag full of money!  If you were to order $205 of product and a Paper Pumpkin through me you would make more than DOUBLE the starter kit price of $135.  True story.  You are saving over $136.  Interested?  Get in touch or click on my link to order your kit TODAY!  The deal is only on until the end of August.  Do it!  Click here to get starter.

Right!  Must dash.  Full day of eye appointments and other riveting mom-duties!  Thanks for popping in.  Have a SUPER stampy day! 


Sunday, August 4, 2019

Paper Pumpkin for the win!

Happy Sunday!

Right!  If you popped in LAST Sunday you would have read that I hadn't been doing any stamping.  Not much has changed THIS week!  The house-purge continues!  This weekend we tackled the storage room.  MAN does a family of four ever accumulate a lot of stuff in a short span of time!  Funnily enough, according to my Facebook Memories that keep popping up this week the August long weekend seems to be THE weekend of purging!  There have been several years where I'm posting "quality used stuff" for sale or for free, just to "get it gone!"

While the rest of the house is looking pretty good my Craft Cave is getting worse by the day!  Aside from all NEW stamping toys arriving every few days, items from the storage room and other hiding spots are descending into my zone!  I don't know WHAT it is about containers but I LOVE them!  I guess I love the idea of being organized ... pretty, matching containers (labelled with my label maker, of course) all lined up on the shelves .... Ya.  That's the dream.  Instead they are piled high, tipping to one side just begging to be filled with all my "stuff"!

That's a project for another week, I fear.  Gallbladder surgery is Tuesday and I have a lot of other loose ends to finish up while I can still lift, bend and carry!

Last night I DID spend an hour in my cave.  I just needed to play for FUN!  I just don't do that enough, and the project that I start pile up.  I had five left over "Sentimental Rose" Paper Pumpkin kits hanging around.  They were 70% done, I just needed to assemble them ... so I did.  It felt great!  ... not just to craft, but to get one little pile of half-done-projects off my desk.  These little boxes of cards are SO cute and now I have a small stash ready to give away.
Paper Pumpkin kits are GREAT to have on hand.  If you're like me, an avid stamper, SOMEtimes you want to craft but just don't have the brain power to sit down, stare at a blank piece of paper and create something fabulous.  For those times you can just grab a kit, open it up and you can make the entire box of cards in about an hour.  Even if you don't love the design of the projects you can switch them up and make them your own!  There are LOTS of demonstrators, Facebook groups and youtube videos offering "Alternate Paper Pumpkin" designs.  It really is creativity in a box.

These kits are also perfect for beginner stampers.  There are instructions in the box and there are youtube videos you can watch, if you are more of a visual learner.  Kids and teens love these kits as they can do them without any additional materials and without mom's help.  They are GREAT to have on hand for rainy summer days when the kids are bored and my camping friends say they are a MUST to have in the camper for those same rainy days!

They really are a great value.  These kits are a subscription craft kit that arrives at your door every month.  They cost CDN $29.95 each month (plus gst, so $31.50).  For that you get everything you need (except scissors) to create the projects in the box; the cards, envelopes, embellishments, STAMP SET, INK SPOT, instructions ... it's all there!  The beauty of that is everything is together, stores in a tiny box and you don't need to have any other craft supplies on hand.  It's a small investment for (usually) nine cards.  At that price the cards work out to just $3.50 per card - a FAR cry from the $7-$12 per card you pay at the store! ... and you have a stamp set and ink you can use over and over on other projects.  I love them.  Can you tell?

Here are the kits I got so far this year ...

 Aren't they great??

If you are in Canada and would like to subscribe to get YOUR kit in the mail you can do so here.  You can cancel or suspend at any time.  This is the sneak peek for the August kit ... they are bags with tags ... and you can also purchase an add-on kit for an additional $13 that will allow you to make CARDS out of the items in the kit.  I *may* have ordered 12 of both *lol*

Here's a video on it!

It really is a nice little treat to receive every month.  Heck, you can even got a 6 month subscription as part of your Starter Kit, if you want a REALLY great deal!  Remember THAT deal that I keep telling you about?  Pick out $205 in ANY product you want ($158 of it can be your 6 month paper pumpkin subscription), but you only pay $135 flat.  THAT is the best way to go, if you want to save a truck load of money! ... but that is a post for another day.  Koda wants is walk and I have some "quality used stuff" to box up and take to the charity shop.

Whatever YOU get up to today I do hope you have a stampy day!!  Thanks for popping in!
