Happy Thursday!
Wait! THURSDAY? Not Sunday? What the heck? lol
Ya, Sunday got away from me last week. TBH I was very busy taking it easy. I overdid it a bit on Saturday. I'm not sure how .. maybe sneezing (I sneeze with GREAT force!) ... or, more likely, just by moving around too much. I wasn't doing any one thing for LONG ... and that was the problem. Just getting up from the chair or couch was a bit much for my incisions, so I really did just relax a little more (HUGE for me, as anyone who knows me knows!)
So why am I posting on a Thursday? If you checked out my "Check it Out Tuesday" live Facebook video you saw my creative process and helped me come up with my end-result card. Well! That card was SOOOOO well liked (as in over 300 "likes") that I just HAD to do a post about it. I haven't yet done a video that can be posted to YouTube, but you can check out my FB Live video
Make sure you "like", "follow", and "get notifications" on my business page "Tamara's Paper Trail" to stay in the loop of all things Stampin' Up! ... and to catch my videos each Tuesday night at 7:00 pm Mountain Standard Time.
So, without further adieu, I give you Feels Like Frost Fabulousness *lol*
Isn't it pretty??? Now I seriously feel guilty about all the rave reviews I've had on this card. I can take VERY little credit. The PAPER is the star of the show and just makes me look like a creative genius! All I did was cut it, place it on a Night of Navy layer, stamp a sentiment in Night of Navy and apply some Ice Stampin' Glitter to it with a Fine Tip Glue pen! That's it! That's all! Nothing more!
So what is this magical paper I speak of?? Ahhhh, that's the kicker. It's called Feels Like Frost Designer Paper. It is a STUNNING pack of 6" x 6" paper, showcased on pages 40-42 of the UPCOMING 2019 Holiday Catalogue ... and is $20 for 48 sheets. Do I expect this paper to run out of stock before the end of January. I absolutely do! The images in this paper make are DIVINE and make a beautiful card SOOO quick and easy! You seriously just need to stamp a sentiment on it and you're done! You CAN jazz it up more but the paper stands alone. You don't WANT to cover it up and it doesn't NEED anything more! As I mentioned, I DID add some new Ice Stampin' Glitter to the card - $10.25 for a 20 g pot (also on page 41 of the new catalogue) for some extra interest, texture, dimension and glitz. This glitter is chunkier than the Dazzling Diamonds, but not as chunky as some of our past glitters, that really felt rather sharp. This stuff is soft and OH so pretty!

Customers can't order the paper OR the glitter until the catalogue goes live, September 4th ... but demonstrators can! That's one of the great many perks of BEING a demonstrator - you get to order products a month before customers! Hello no backorders! (well ... backorders do still happen occasionally, even on a pre-order but chances are a lot lower than once the catalogue goes live!).
Would you like to get this paper and glitter early AND at a major discount? Then you want to order them NOW, in a "Starter Kit". Yes, you will technically me called a demonstrator. No, that doesn't mean you have to demonstrate ... or "do the business" in any way. You CAN order more products, at a discount, but you absolutely do NOT have to. You don't have to place orders for yourself or anyone else; You don't have to ever log into the website. You CAN just buy the kit for the MAJOR discount and free product and run away! If you're in Canada, here's the deal ...
Pick out ANY product adding up to $205.
Pay $135.
No shipping.
No taxes (in most provinces)
No obligations.
No strings.
You get the $205 in product you pick out PLUS they throw in a $30 Paper Pumpkin kit PLUS a $14 coupon to use in Sept of Oct IF YOU WANT TO PLUS business supplies, should you want to hand out catalogues to your friends and earn some extra cash for the upcoming holiday season.
If you have any questions about this deal PLEASE do not hesitate to get in touch with me. I am more than happy to explain all the fine print to you so you are comfortable believing there are NO strings. I won't pressure you to get the kit, I'll just explain how everything works. If you decide against it no hard feelings! I'm truly just trying to save you a bag full of money! If you were to order $205 of product and a Paper Pumpkin through me you would make more than DOUBLE the starter kit price of $135. True story. You are saving over $136. Interested? Get in touch or click on my link to order your kit TODAY! The deal is only on until the end of August. Do it! Click
here to get starter.
Right! Must dash. Full day of eye appointments and other riveting mom-duties! Thanks for popping in. Have a SUPER stampy day!