Tuesday, July 2, 2024

MCM Layout - Mon, July 1, 2024 "Flip" Fun Fold Card


Happy Tuesday!  Today I'm sharing the projects I made in my MCM (Mystery Card Monday) Facebook Live yesterday.  The layout comes from Melissa Faust and I just LOVE it!  She called it a "Flippy Flappy" card.  I'm just calling it a "Flip" Card.  They're VERY easy and so fun to make.  Once you get started it's hard to stop!  here are my cards from the live ...

This first one very closely resembles Melissa's.  I used the Adventurous Sky Bundle and Take to the Sky Designer Paper.  This is it closed ...

... and here it is open ... "flipped", if you will :)

I couldn't resist trying the layout with the Charming Duck Bundle and Lily Pond Lane Designer Paper.
Closed ...

.. and "flipped" ...

Here's a shot of a duck family I spotted a few days ago at our pond ... making me want to use the above suite ...

SO adorable! ... but I digress lol

Want to make your own version(s) of this layout? Here is the "recipe" of the pieces you need to prep ...

... and here is the Mystery Card Monday (MCM) Facebook Live replay, showing you how to cut the papers and put all the pieces together ...

I hope you give this one a try!  They really are fun!

That's it for this week.  If you would like to join me LIVE for my MCM (Mystery Card Monday) sessions, you can catch me on my FaceBook Page here at 7:00 pm Mountain Time every Monday ... or on my YouTube Channel here at the same time (I stream live to both).  Like and Follow my FB Page and/or Subscribe to my YouTube Channel.  I'd love to have you - the live community is AMAZING and so much fun!

If you live in Canada and would like to purchase any of the items I used for my cards, just click any of the pictures below and you will be taken to my online store.  Thank you!  I appreciate your support!

Have a stampy day!


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